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Using the cloud provides a 10x higher return on investment for cloud leaders than for cloud beginners. But how does an organization achieve these results? Read on to learn about the five core focus areas that can help CEOs, CIOs and others maximize value along their companies’ cloud journeys and accelerate their cloud maturity.

Companies around the world understand that a cloud strategy and approach is critical to the modern, agile business. The challenge is identifying how best to approach it, where to focus your efforts, and how to get the most out of your cloud investments.

Cloud leaders offer inspiration; Their use of the cloud delivers a 10x higher return on investment than cloud novices, according to a recent report by Wipro FullStride Cloud Services. But maximizing the business value of the cloud requires more than best practices. It also requires the willingness of CEOs, CIOs and other C-suite leaders to accelerate organizational cloud maturity and apply cloud technologies to five key areas, described below.

Top CIOs are leveraging their cloud investments to lower operational costs and improve efficiency. This strategy is also accepted by cloud beginners; “Cost savings” is one of the fastest wins in the cloud journey, and increasing business agility is a primary investment reason. But cloud leaders distinguish themselves by treating the cloud as a central component of their growth strategies.

This disparity is not only indicative of a difference in perspective between leaders and non-leaders. It can also be attributed to experience.

The positive impact of cloud investments is greatest among organizations that have reached relative maturity as cloud users. This makes sense: Leaders often already have a sophisticated digital infrastructure in place, enabling them to execute higher-impact initiatives. More than a quarter say they have migrated core business processes to the cloud (compared to just 4% of non-leaders) and 78% expect to deliver cloud-native applications within the next two years, a perspective shared by only 31 people % of non-leaders.

With this context and added maturity, cloud leaders clearly have bigger goals in mind. Compared to less sophisticated users, leaders are 30% more likely to use the cloud to accelerate development and release cycles and are 33% more likely to build entirely new cloud-based offerings. Organizations that maximize cloud ROI also tend to focus on industry-specific use cases with the potential to drive transformational growth.

This reflects the understanding that cloud success is a journey, not a destination. Like the technology itself, leaders are constantly evolving, both as a result of past cloud implementations and as a prerequisite for future adoption. They are also continually looking for new ways to use the cloud to drive business results.

Here are five core focus areas that can help CEOs, CIOs and others maximize value along their companies’ cloud journeys and accelerate their cloud maturity:

Ultimately, CIOs and business leaders alike can rest assured that the cloud offers more than savings and efficiencies; drives revenue and business growth. But achieving these goals requires recognizing the strategic importance of the cloud to the enterprise and accelerating the organization’s cloud maturity. Are you ready?

Written by Gavin Williams.

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