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Allergic to chocolate? We have a suitable replacement.

Millions of Americans have food allergies. Our DIY hacks and some smart shopping can help you avoid the most common triggers when you’re hosting, packing a school lunch, or managing an allergy yourself.

1 Eggs

For a casual egg substitute in baking, use “egg.” Mix a tablespoon of crushed linseed with three tablespoons of water. Let it sit for 15 minutes, then add it to your recipe. Essentially, the seeds will disappear into the final product. If you’re baking regularly, pick up Bob’s Red Mill Egg Replacer, a powder that’s mostly potato starch and tapioca flour. And for prefabricated preparations, such as frittatas and scrambles, opt for a plant-based egg substitute, such as Just Egg. Made of mung beans, it mimics the flavor and texture of beaten eggs wonderfully well.

2 Wheat

Since gluten is a protein in wheat, anything gluten-free will be wheat-free. For sliced ​​bread, bagels and buns, we like Canyon Bakehouse for its traditional bread texture. Wheat is also an ingredient in most soy sauces; use tamari or coconut aminos instead.

3 Cow’s Milk

Milk allergies are triggered by proteins in most mammals’ milk, so you prefer a plant-based option, such as almond, coconut, or rice. (Lactose intolerance is not an allergy; it means your body does not produce enough of the enzyme lactase and is unable to process the natural sugar in milk.) If you want more protein, try soy or peanut milk – both offer eight grams Cup. This may interest you : The food bank provides food for low-income seniors. (In contrast, some oat milk only has three grams per portion.) Whatever milk you choose, make sure it’s fortified with calcium and vitamin D to maintain bone health, just like cow’s milk.

RELATED: It’s the Healthiest Non-Milk, According to a Registered Dietitian

4 Soy

Try coconut aminos instead of soy sauce. Derived from coconut palms juice, it’s a little thicker and sweeter, and less salty, but it still packs an umami-rich punch. (Add more salt to your recipe.)

5 Nut and Seed Butters

If you swap sunflower butter for peanuts or almonds, you know that seeds are also a common allergen. To avoid both nuts and seeds, look for butter made with peas or lentils, such as NoNuts Gold Peabutter, the Amazing Chickpea, or Finally Chickpea Butter. The texture is similar to peanut butter, and while the taste may not fool you in PB&J, it is easy to work in cookies and bars.

6 Seafood

Like plant-based “meat”, vegan seafood is now a thing. Look in the freezer aisle for Dal Da’s “salmon” “burgers” and Dal Da “fish” sticks, made from combinations containing pea and soy proteins.

For a less processed alternative, try using canned palm hearts instead of seafood in crab cakes. The taste will be tangy rather than rich, but the texture will be remarkably similar. For whitefish fillets instead of white fish fillets, check out Upton’s Naturals Banana Blossoms (find them in the international aisle at Whole Foods Market). Made from the flowers that grow on the tops of bananas, they don’t taste like bananas — or much of anything, really — but in bread, they cook just like cod.

RELATED: 3 Exchanging Plant Ingredients and Recipes for Your Next Meatless Monday

7 Chocolate

Because it is often made with dairy products and manufactured on equipment that processes nuts, chocolate can be difficult for people with allergies. For chocolate chips and snacks, look for the Enjoy Life brand, which is allergen-free. For completely nut-free (but not dairy-free) chocolate confectionery, such as truffles, caramels, fudge, and holiday candy, order online at

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